NAIA Travel Advisories

Stay informed with the latest travel advisories and guidelines for travelers at Manila's airport.

Cebu Pacific aircraft that swerved from taxiway, towed. Operations resuming to normal.

UPDATE: Aircraft has been towed and handed back to the airline. Operations are resuming to normal. Previous title: Cebu Pacific swerves off taxiway, expect delays

A Cebu Pacific aircraft swerved off the taxiway while being repositioned (towed) from the international side to the domestic side of NAIA Terminal 3.

No passengers or crew were onboard during the incident.

MIAA has already deployed its recovery team to remove the aircraft from the area.

As a result of this incident, bay 110-112 are inoperable. These bays are located at the international side of NAIA Terminal 3 and are usually occupied by wide bodies.

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