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Tail of Philippines AirAsia

Philippines AirAsia Z2354

from Manila to



Check-in at 23-41
Date of Departure
February 16, 2025
Departure Time
17:00  17:30

Stay updated on Z2354 from Manila to Panglao with Philippines AirAsia. Real-time flight status, terminal details, and a comprehensive guide on-in procedures and fees for a smooth departure.

  • Plan for your trip

    Are you ready for your trip to Panglao? Check out the following links to help you prepare for your journey.

  • Check-in to your flight at Counter 23-41

    Arrive at the airport at least one and a half hours before your flight. You can also check-in online to save time at the airport.

  • Clear security

    Be sure to check the list of prohibited items before you go through security.

  • Proceed to your gate

    Check the screens for your flight's boarding gate. Be at the boarding gate at least 20 minutes before your scheduled departure time.

  • Your flight to Panglao

    Estimated time of departure is 17:30

  • Arrival in Panglao

  • Welcome to Panglao

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